Friday, October 8, 2010


Hubsters and I decided to take advantage of the gorgeous October sun yesterday and take a little trip to Woodland Park Zoo.  I have been DYING to go here ever since they put in the Meerkat exhibit.  Meer-cute?  Yes, please.  I've seen Meerkat Manor.  I had high expectations.  I mean, I knew that there probably wouldn't be an active drama going on, complete with commentary and cutely named creatures, but I thought after all the hype and advertisements that would at least be COOL.
It wasn't.  Poor little Meerkats.  All 16 of them were encased in these weird glass cases, about the size of a department store window.  Hardly big enough for burrowing and acting out a daily drama segment.  Zoo = FAIL.  I would have taken a picture but I was far too distracted by what was directly outside the exhibit.

Look Mom, I'm a Meerkat!
J was probably SO embarassed by me.  But I was on a date.  At a zoo.  You really can't blame me for acting like a 5 year old.

On the plus side, we discovered that going to the zoo on a slightly cloudy afternoon in October is actually a really great idea.  No crowds, no field trip kiddies... it kind of felt like we had the whole place to ourselves.  Plus, if you're there around 3:30, it's feeding time so you get to see cute things like gorillas munching on celery and the elephant who does a little dance after he eats.  I'm serious.  You think I could make this stuff up?  Go see for yourselves.


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