Friday, February 4, 2011

How Rude!

After a particularly long evening of work, I went out to the parking lot to find this:

Seriously, Ms Red Car Owner?!? Could you not have taken the 30 seconds to back up the car and straighten out in the spot?!?

What made it worse was that there wasn't a parking spot on the other side of her car, ie, it wasn't like she had to park that way because of how someone parked in another space.
She's lucky I'm skinny enough to get into my car. God only knows what I would have done if I had still been at my post-cruise weight.
I was tempted to write a not-too-nice note about how she should e more courteous, but that wouldn't have been very nice. I thought publicly shaming her on my blog was a much better idea. Or perhaps I'll mosy on over to and post the picture up there.

Happy Friday!

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my iPhone

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Northwest Profile #65: New Years Resolution Gym Goer

You come from households near and far, determination in your eyes and shiny new gym shoes slapping on the floor. You beeline for the elliptical machines, where you "workout" for 15 minutes before giving up and retreating to your car, back to a safe place, back to where you hid that Snickers bar in your glove compartment the other day. You wonder why you do not lose your excess holiday pounds magically like they do on The Biggest Loser, and so three weeks in you quit.
New Years Resolution Gym Goer, you're one of us.
(And I hate you. If only for the fact that you take all the towels. YO PEOPLE, Ya gotta actually SWEAT in order to need that towel there)

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